Our Next Show

Terry Pratchett's® 

Men at Arms

Adapted by Stephen Briggs

Extra show added - Saturday Matinee 2:30pm (doors 2pm)!

Our next show will be 

Terry Pratchett's® 

Men at Arms

Adapted by

 Stephen Briggs

Wed 19th to Sat 22nd February 2025

At the University of Sheffield

 Drama Studio, 

Show starts 7:30pm, 

(Also 2:00pm on Saturday)

Doors open 7:00pm 

(Also 2:00pm on Saturday)

Tickets £13 or £10 concessions

Last February we produced Terry Pratchett's Guards! Guards!, also adapted by Stephen Briggs. The show was hugely popular and sold out every night. If you missed it, don't fret - although Men at Arms has some of the same characters, this is a different story and you'll enjoy it just as much as the lucky hundreds who saw Guards! Guards! Booking soon to experience Pratchett's Discworld® with us.

If you did see Guards! Guards! then what are you waiting for? Get your tickets soon before they sell out!)

* * *

Scarcely a year on from the events of Guards! Guards! the Ankh-Morpork City Watch find their services are once more needed to tackle a threat to their city - a threat at least as deadly as a 60-foot dragon, but mechanical and heartless to boot. The original Watch - Captain Vimes, Sergeant Colon, Corporal Nobby and Corporal Carrot - are joined by some new recruits selected to reflect the city's ethnic makeup. Lance Constables Cuddy (a Dwarf), Detritus, (a troll) and Angua (a W... well best to find out for yourself)