Groping For Words & Womberang
Groping For Words & Womberang
Sue Townsend
Sue Townsend
Groping for Words
Groping for Words
What do a nanny, a jobseeker with limited prospects, and a stand-in caretaker have in common? They've all found themselves at an adult literacy evening hosted by the middle-aged Joyce. Combining sensitivity with humour, Townsend brings forth the plight of the illiterate, as well as condemning the system that left them behind.
Gynaecology clinics are rarely a fun place. However, when Rita crashes into her local clinic, she wastes no time in upsetting the order of things. Shifting furniture, scaring off the clerk. This poignant piece shows that, in a world obsessed with statistics and results, treating patients as people can yield the best results.
Joint Cast & Crew
Joint Cast & Crew
View the full galleries: Groping for Words or Womberang.
Images by Andy Staley, Restless Focus